Pcswmm version 7.1
Pcswmm version 7.1

pcswmm version 7.1

The objective in this paper is to conduct such a review of the scientific literature pertaining to the reported application and performance of SWMM. As such, it is at present difficult to gauge the integrity of previous work with respect to model performance and utility. Therefore, most reports using SWMM do not pass through the scientific peer-review processes. Historically, SWMM has been used most often by consulting engineers to help address the unique design needs of municipal and regional planning projects. 2011), SWMM likely already is, and probably will be, the go-to simulation tool for addressing such needs in at least the near-term future. 2010) and interest increasing for adopting GI alternatives as a potentially cost-effective stormwater management option ( Marsalek and Chocat 2002 Pataki et al. With concern growing for how climate change is affecting already degrading urban water infrastructure in many areas ( Grimm et al. As this review will highlight, SWMM has been used for a wide variety of sewer planning, analysis, and design applications, in addition to flood analysis, primarily as a result of sewer system backup, and evaluating the performance of stormwater green infrastructure (GI) strategies. Historically, what sets SWMM apart from other urban watershed models is its emphasis on engineered water conveyance systems for stormwater runoff and wastewater management, considering both combined and sanitary sewer design and performance. SWMM ( Rossman 2004) is one of the most widely used urban watershed hydrology and water-quality models in the world ( Obropta and Kardos 2007).

pcswmm version 7.1

However, embedding a new mechanistic algorithm or providing user guidance for coupling with other models will be necessary to realistically simulate diffuse pollutant sources, their fate and transport, and the effectiveness of GI/LID implementation scenarios. It is concluded that the level of detail underlying the conceptual model of SWMM versus its overall computational parsimony is well balanced-making it an adequate model for large and medium-scale hydrologic applications.

pcswmm version 7.1

A gap analysis assesses the model’s ability to perform water-quality simulations considering green infrastructure (GI)/low impact development (LID) designs and effectiveness.

pcswmm version 7.1

The results provide utility to others looking for a quick reference to gauge the integrity of their own unique SWMM application. The major developmental history and applications of the model are also presented. This review focuses on collecting information on model performance with respect to calibration and validation in the peer-reviewed literature. Hundreds of peer-reviewed articles and conference proceedings have been written describing applications of SWMM. The storm water management model (SWMM) is a widely used tool for urban drainage design and planning.

Pcswmm version 7.1